
HydroLynx is a leader in the design and development of real-time data telemetry systems for hydrological and meteorological monitoring. Our systems are used by federal, state, and local government agencies, as well as many agencies in foreign countries.

Real-time data telemetry systems collect and transmit data from remote devices or sensors to a central location for analysis and visualization. These systems are essential for monitoring and controlling a wide range of environmental monitoring systems. 


A real-time data telemetry system typically consists of the following components:

  • Sensors: Sensors measure physical or electrical properties and convert them into electronic signals.
  • Data acquisition units (DAQs): DAQs collect and format data from sensors.
  • Communication networks: Communication networks transmit data from DAQs to a central location.
  • Data processing and analysis software: Data processing and analysis software converts raw data into meaningful information.
  • Visualization software: Visualization software displays data in a way that is easy to understand and interpret.

HydroLynx Systems is focused on the design, manufacture and sale of system hardware that consists of sensors, data acquisition and communication networks. Partner businesses, such as TriLynx provide software that performs data processing, analysis, and visualization.


Real-time data telemetry systems offer several benefits, including:

  • Improved system performance: Real-time monitoring can help to identify and correct problems before they cause major disruptions.
  • Reduced downtime: By proactively identifying and correcting problems, real-time monitoring can help to reduce downtime.
  • Increased safety: Real-time monitoring can help to identify and prevent safety hazards.
  • Improved decision-making: Real-time data can provide valuable insights that can help to improve decision-making.

Future Trends

Real-time data telemetry systems are becoming increasingly sophisticated and are being used in a wider range of applications. Key trends in real-time data telemetry include:

  • The rise of the Internet of Things (IoT): The IoT is a network of physical devices that are embedded with sensors and software that allows them to collect and transmit data. Telemetry systems are playing a key role in the IoT by collecting and transmitting data from IoT devices.
  • The development of new sensor technologies: New sensor technologies are being developed that are more sensitive, accurate, and reliable. These new sensors are making it possible to collect and transmit data that was not previously possible.
  • The increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI): AI is being used to analyze real-time data and identify patterns and trends. This is helping to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of real-time data telemetry systems.

Real-time data telemetry systems are a critical technology that enables a wide range of new applications. As technology continues to advance, real-time data telemetry systems will become even more sophisticated and will play an even greater role in our lives.



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